
How to Find Medicinal Varieties. The Combination of Varieties Can Change and Increase the Diseases That Can Be Treated!

Salvia contains various active ingredients. The Lamiaceae family is a group composed of about 250 genera and 7000 specie...

Corn was intensely heated. Beyond popcorn was carbon nanotubes.

The potential and challenges of carbon nanotubes (CNT) Carbon nanotubes (CNT) are cylindrical structures with diameters ...

Natural Herbicide from Mustard: The Potential of Biofumigation.

Biofumigation by Plant Allelopathy Have you heard of biofumigation (Biofumigation: Bio=biological, Fumigation=fumigation...

Pollen is a Nutrient for Bees.

Bees Eat More Than Just Nectar Pollination by bees is essential for agriculture, especially for crops pollinated by inse...

Cows that eat high-tannin plants produce less greenhouse gas in their burps.

Reduce methane from cow burps! Did you know that producing meat releases a significant amount of greenhouse gases? For i...

Replacing Building Materials with Plant-Derived Alternatives to Improve Insulation and Reduce CO2 Emissions

The construction sector has potential for CO2 reduction The industry involved in the construction of various buildings a...

Is Addition Breeding Possible Instead of Cross Breeding? A Technology to Easily Create Polyploid Crops is Developed

The Barrier of Cross Breeding The vegetables and grains we usually eat are the fruits of breeding that has continued sin...

“Hidden Oasis” Namib Desert Fog Collecting Plant Ecosystem

The hidden oases: unveiling trophic dynamics in Namib's fog plant ecosystem Fog Collecting Grass Stipagrostis sabulicola...

It seems that crop yields in Africa can be predicted using a model created from U.S. climate data.

Reference Non-linear relationships between daily temperature extremes and US agricultural yields uncovered by global gri...

Hacking the Structure of Maple Samaras with Photoresponsive Films! Enabling Flight Control.

The "samara" developed for seed dispersal Are you familiar with "samaras"? A familiar example is the "maple," which has ...