

Cows that eat high-tannin plants produce less greenhouse gas in their burps.

Reduce methane from cow burps! Did you know that producing meat releases a significant amount of greenhouse gases? For i...

Is Addition Breeding Possible Instead of Cross Breeding? A Technology to Easily Create Polyploid Crops is Developed

The Barrier of Cross Breeding The vegetables and grains we usually eat are the fruits of breeding that has continued sin...

Genomic Analysis of Chili Peppers: Closer to Elucidating the Biosynthetic Pathway of Capsaicin, Leading to Unlimited Spicy Food?

The Frontline of Capsaicin Biosynthesis Research Spicy food is enjoyed all over the world. While the stimulating spicine...

Germination and Growth Improved with Spice Extract Treated Seeds!

The Effect of "Priming" on Seeds When cultivating crops and cereals, seeds are sown. Recently, commercial varieties ofte...

Protect Plants with a Laser Irradiation Type Pest Interception System!

Development of pest control measures other than pesticides In modern agriculture, it is essential to carry out pest and ...

Advocating for Crop Rotation and Intercropping: A Future with Increased Yields through Altering Soil Microbial Community Structures.

Symbiosis Between Plants and Soil Microbes Most of the crops we eat are grown in the soil of fields. Healthy plants esta...

Have you ever looked closely at the “seeds” of a plant? It has a thousand different and artistic shapes.

Can you distinguish plant seeds? Perhaps the most familiar "seeds" of plants are found in cooking. Various seeds like ri...

Identify the ingredients that create the “orange flavor”!

The crisis of everyone's favorite orange juice. Orange (citrus) is one of the most consumed fruits in the world. When in...

Making Medicine for Rice from Tea.

The Case for Natural Pesticides Pesticides are indispensable for crop production. Those who have experienced organic far...

A transparent growth monitoring device that does not give the impression of resting on light and transparent leaves.

Plant growth monitoring Research in the field of plant growth monitoring using various sensors is increasing. There have...